Coumeenoole Beach


Coumeenoole Beach

Experience the captivating beauty of Coumeenoole Beach on the stunning Dingle Peninsula. This iconic site along the Slea Head Drive offers a breathtaking view of the Wild Atlantic Way meeting the rugged shoreline, with the majestic Blasket Islands in the distance, just a few kilometers away. This picturesque location also served as the backdrop for the classic film, “Ryan’s Daughter.” The painting captures the dramatic scenery of this coastal wonder, featuring tall, rugged cliffs affectionately known by locals as “the cathedral.” With its striking beauty and cinematic history, this is a wonderful reflection of nature at its best, making it a beautiful  addition to your home.


Is this an original painting?

Yes, this painting is an original oil painting created by me, Donna McGee and it contains my signature on the front.

Is the painting ready to hang?

Yes, the painting is presented in a double mounted white wooden contemporary slip frame.  It has a chord on the back making it ready to hang.

All you need is the picture hook on the wall for placement.

What are the measurements of the painting?

The measurements of the painting are 30 x 40 inches + frame

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