My Artistic Adventure - Dublin Plein Air Festival

My Artistic Adventure – Dublin Plein Air Festival

Dublin Plein Air Festival for 2024

My Artistic Adventure - Dublin Plein Air Festival: Painting Dublin's Stunning Landscapes

Dublin Plein Air Festival 17 - 23 June 2024

This year, I had the pleasure of participating in the Dublin Plein Air Festival once again, a vibrant event that celebrates art, community, and the breathtaking landscapes of north County Dublin. As an artist, it was an incredible experience to immerse myself in the beauty of this area and its surroundings, capturing each scene on canvas while connecting with fellow artists.

The festival spanned several days, many  filled with demonstrations / workshops designed to enhance our skills and techniques. These sessions were led by renowned artists who shared their expertise and insights, enriching our artistic journeys. We typically completed one or two paintings a day, ensuring that we could fully appreciate and depict the unique charm of each location.

Skerries Harbour

My journey began at Skerries Harbour, where the tranquil interplay of boats and water provided a serene subject for a painting, however, I settled with the many views of my all time favourites – sea and rocks. The shared experience with other artists around me created a sense of camaraderie and mutual appreciation for the craft.

Skerries Harbour Dublin plein air painting donna mcgee

Donabate Strand

The next destination was Donabate Strand, a stunning beach with golden sands and Lambay Island in the background. The dynamic movement of the ocean and the expansive horizon offered a compelling composition. Painting by the shore, with the cool breeze and the sound of the waves, was incredibly peaceful and inspiring.

donabate strand plein air painting
donabate Dublin plein air painting donna mcgee

National Botanical Gardens

Following this, I explored the Botanic Gardens, a paradise of vibrant flora and intricate patterns. Each bloom and leaf seemed to dance in the sunlight, creating a kaleidoscope of colours. I enjoyed a painting demonstration of one of the beautiful glasshouses by Dave West and then followed suit capturing the vivid purples, pinks, and greens on my canvas, each stroke bringing the garden to life.

Dave west demonstration dublin plein air with donna mcgee
botanic gardens at dublin plein air festival with donna mcgee

Balbriggan Martello Tower

Balbriggan Martello Tower was a striking contrast to the natural landscapes. The historical structure, standing tall against the backdrop of the sea and sky, exuded a sense of timeless strength. My paintings looked down towards the beach and the lovely lighthouse where I felt compelled  to try and capture its charm and the weathered stone walls.

balbriggan dublin plein air festiveal with donna mcgee
balbriggan dublin plein air festiveal with donna mcgee

Newbridge House

At Newbridge House, the grandeur and elegance of the stately home and its meticulously maintained gardens provided endless inspiration. I painted the gardens in the distance, the sunlight casting soft shadows evoking a sense of calm and peacefulness.

newbridge house and gardens with dublin plein air and donna mcgee
artists assemble for awards results at dublin plein air festival
awards ceremony at dublin plein air festival

Farmleigh House

Farmleigh House was another highlight, blending natural beauty with architectural splendour. The estate’s expansive grounds, with their lush lawns and majestic trees, were a painter’s dream. I chose a spot capturing the side view of the glasshouse creating a serene and harmonious composition.

farmleigh house with dublin plein air festival and donna mcgee
farmleigh house with dublin plein air festival and donna mcgee

Ardgillen Castle

Ardgillen Castle, with its Gothic architecture and stunning views of the Irish Sea, was the perfect finale to my artistic journey. The dramatic towers and turrets, framed by rolling hills and the endless sea were fully enjoyed. Blaise Smyth RHA had given an earlier demonstration with a deep dive into perspective, proportional dividers and the thought processes behind the golden mean and related geometry – all so engaging.  With that in mind, I chose to paint a very difficult subject of green plants with green background – agh! nothing like a good ole challenge. 

donna mcgee at work in ardgillan cast with dublin plein air
blaise smyth demonstration at ardgillen castle with donna mcgee

Each evening, the festival hosted an award ceremony, recognizing the best works of the day. It was an opportunity to celebrate the talent and creativity of the participating artists and to reflect on the shared experiences. These ceremonies added an element of excitement and motivation, encouraging us to push our artistic boundaries.

In Conclusion

Participating in the Dublin Plein Air Festival was an enriching experience. The combination of workshops, the daily creation of paintings, and the evening award ceremonies fostered a deep sense of community and artistic growth. Exhausting though it was, the festival not only highlighted the beauty of north county Dublin and its surroundings but also showcased the power of art to bring people together over the seven days.

I left the festival with a portfolio of paintings that captured the essence of each location and a heart full of memories. I will however review everything that I have done so far and put the finishing touches on in the studio.  Thankfully I can refer to my reference photos.

The Dublin Plein Air Festival is a very well organised festival and wouldn’t seem right not to mention the great work of Paul Darcy, Theresa, Ray and Pearse among others who helped to make this such a wonderful event.  It was truly a celebration of art and nature, and I look forward to participating again next year.

A final word of thanks to all the sponsors and congratulations to all the worthy winners.

Sign up and get notified of what’s happening in my world of art or keep an eye on the Landscapes & Seascape Gallery Pages after I have added the final touches.  

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog – let me know your thoughts.

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