Donna McGee Art Studio - Artist Statement

Artist Statement | Donna McGee Fine Art |
The Vision of Donna McGee

Welcome to my Artistic Journey

Hello,   I’m Donna, a visual artist based in Dublin.  I am  delighted to share my passion capturing the timeless beauty of the Irish landscape with you.  For over 20 years, it has been the greatest pleasure to immerse myself in the magic of nature.  Seeking out the extraordinary within the ordinary and expressing it through my art.

The landscape has always been my centre of inspiration. Captivated by the play of light, allows me to infuse my paintings with a luxurious blend of photo-realism, abstraction, ethereal elements, and  surrealism. I try to to cultivate a sense of unity by capturing the sheer delight found in life’s simple moments, transcending  barriers. Drawn to the allure of brilliant sunsets, stormy skies contrasted against the rhythmic force of the ocean, I am spoilt for choice.  Irelands’ stunning scenery – the Wild Atlantic Way – 1,600 miles of rugged coastal beauty.  Also, Ireland’s Ancient East,  the land of myths and legends, and the birthplace of Irish culture. 

I feel so fortunate to have my studio close to the Dublin mountains, giving me instant access to the wonder of nature.  I take countless photographs and later create harmonious compositions in my studio.  My artworks have found their way into collections around the world,  hence,  I am deeply honoured to continue pursuing my passion for painting.

Artist Process Unveiled

I have an affinity for working with oils as I’m drawn to their lush and vibrant qualities. Using a palette knife allows me to achieve tactile layers of texture that add depth to my artworks.  I also love encaustics, blending ancient techniques with modern creativity. The versatility and unpredictability is addictive!  My style is inherently intuitive, shaped through self-exploring rather than strict analysis.

Painting en Plein Air - Embracing Nature's Challenges

plein air painting donna mcgee

When the weather permits, I love painting outdoors, en plein air. It’s a great experience to capture the ever-changing light amidst the rapid movements of nature. From the wind playfully stealing my canvas to the unpredictable shifts of weather, every painting session is an adventure. I participate in  plein air painting festivals, Art in the Open and the Dublin Plein Air Festival, where fellow artists and I come together to capture the beauty of our surroundings. Sometimes, I will be just as happy to paint outdoors in my garden particularly when the sun shines.

Nurturing Creativity in schools

I am also a passionate educator and wish to share my love of learning. Actively participating  in arts-in-residence programmes with local schools such as the BLAST initiative (bringing live art to students and teachers) aiming to nurture creativity and critical teaching among young people. Further demonstrated with the Teacher Artist Partnership enhancing arts in education in Irish Primary Schools. 

Get in Touch

If any of the paintings on this website have caught your eye or if you’re interested in a commissioned piece, please feel free to get in touch. I would love to hear from you and discuss your requirements.

Thank You For Being A Part Of My Artistic Journey

Your interest and support mean the world to me. Thank you for visiting my website and joining me in celebrating the beauty of the Irish landscape through art.

Let’s stay connected and continue this creative journey together!

Donna McGee Artist Statement

"Ag treascnaíocht ón ghnáth, ceiliúraim mo phéintéireacht an neamhghnáthach in Éirinn."

Transcending the ordinary, my paintings celebrate Ireland’s extraordinary.

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