Cerulean Depths


 Cerulean Depths: A Treasure of Jewels amid the Rust – Mixed Media Ocean Art

Cerulean Depths Hidden beneath the vast expanse of the ocean, the Cerulean Depths beckon with their enigmatic allure. A mysterious convergence of weathered rust and glimmering gemstones, this submerged realm holds secrets yet to be unveiled. Immerse yourself in the tranquil depths and discover the untold wonders that lie beneath the waves. This captivating oil painting, enriched with mixed media elements, transports you to a world of hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. The cerulean blue hues of the water guide your gaze, leading you on a journey to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the waves. Immerse yourself in this truly unique artwork, where the timeless beauty of the ocean meets the allure of ancient relics.

SKU: 10020-1a-1-1 Category: Tags: , , , ,


What are the measurements of this abstract painting?

The measurements of the painting are 20 x 30 inches.

Is this an original painting?

Yes, this painting is an original oil painting on canvas, created by me, Donna McGee and it contains my signature on the front.

Is the painting ready to hang?

The painting is presented in a bespoke matching rust effect frame with white mount.  It has a chord on the back making it ready to hang.

All you need is the picture hook on the wall for placement.


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