Finding Inspiration: A Journey of Self Discovery

Donna McGee is a self-taught artist whose creative journey has spanned over two decades in the city of Dublin. Her artistic style is a result of a diverse range of influences, nurtured by her love for travel and the breath-taking coastlines throughout Ireland. As a keen observer of nature’s restless elemental forces, Donna’s work is about capturing the essence of Ireland’s wild and beautiful spirit.

Drawing inspiration from stormy skies, dramatic sunsets, and  the ever-changing light, Donna’s art is about unveiling the extraordinary within the ordinary. It evokes an emotional and spiritual connection with nature, offering a sense of comfort and familiarity.

Weather permitting, Donna paints outdoors (en plein air) and loves to visit painting festivals in Ireland including  Art in the Open  and Dublin Plein Air

The Process:

Donna primarily works with oil paint and also enjoys other mediums such as encaustics, adding a unique touch to her creations. Her artwork often carries an ethereal feel, which is most evident in her abstract pieces. At times, she incorporates surrealist elements to infuse her subjects with mood and atmosphere, elevating her interpretations beyond mere representation. Through her masterful use of palette knives, she achieves rich, tactile textures that exude dynamic and raw energy. 

Where you will find Donna:

With numerous successful solo exhibitions and active participation in group shows throughout the country and online internationally, Donna’s artwork has gained immense popularity. Notably, she’s had great success at the premier art fair, Art Source. Her paintings have found their way into collections both in Ireland and around the world. The international art community has recognised her talent, resulting in multiple prestigious awards.  She was awarded tax exempt status for her work by the Irish State on the basis that her work is of cultural and artistic merit.

She is a member of  Visual Arts Ireland

Embracing the Artistic Journey:

A Lifelong Curiosity 

Before pursuing her passion as an artist, Donna worked in the financial world and graduated from the  Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School (University College Dublin). Her love for learning led her to explore further avenues diving deeper into technology – web design and the ever changing demands of social media to support her art business. She studied Digital Media Production, specialising in Graphic Design at the Digital Skills Academy, and later completed a post-grad in Trinity College Dublin in Creative Thinking, Entrepreneurship & Innovation. These experiences have played a significant role in shaping her unique approach and style in the art business.

Read more: * Becoming a future shaper 

* How to Survive Art, Study & Covid

Donna McGee Post Graduation Trinity College Dublin 2023

Awards & Recognition by National Body

Artist Donna McGee Lifestyle Leader Fine Art

Honoured by The All-Ireland Business Foundation

Donna achieved the prestigious All-Star Lifestyle Leader Fine Art Accreditation, awarded by The All-Ireland Business Foundation (AIBF). This independent national accreditation body recognised Donna’s exceptional performance, trustworthiness, and customer-centricity in her art business.

Read more here:   blog post 

Artist Residencies

A Heart for Education: Nurturing Creativity in Schools 

Donna is not only an accomplished artist but also a passionate educator. She actively participates in arts-in-education programmes, such as the BLAST Residency Programme, (bringing live art to students and teachers).  This aims to nurture creativity and critical thinking among children and young people. Her involvement in the Teacher-Artist Partnership (TAP) CPD further demonstrates her dedication to enhancing arts in education in Irish primary schools.

These initiatives aim to support the integration of the principles and key skills outlined in the Arts in Education Charter and the Creative Ireland Programme (2017-2022).   It supports children and young people for the future, where skills like the ability to connect and collaborate with others, engage in creative and critical thinking and practice inclusivity at every level, paramount to peace, stability, sustainable economic growth and equality.

testimonial Holy Spirit SPS / Blast / Donna McGee
BLAST -bringing live art to students and teachers

You can learn more about what drives Donna in her work as an artist by reading  her Artist Statement – click the link above.

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