about donna mcgee studio shot

January Round Up

January Round Up So here we are in 2022 already  with a brief January round up.  The last two years have all been one big blur!  Don’t you agree! Thank goodness restrictions are now lifted after this horrendous Covid pandemic or endemic as it is now referred to.  We can finally put some semblance of

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AIBF art accreditation donna mcgee

Lifestyle Leader Fine Art Accreditation

LIFESTYLE LEADER FINE ART ACCREDITATION I am so pleased to have been awarded with the All Star Lifestyle Leader Fine Art Accreditation. It is an independently verified standard mark based on rigorous selection criteria; performance, trust and customer centricity. The All-Ireland Business Foundation (AIBF) is an autonomous national accreditation body tasked with enterprise development and

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summer update - shards of light solo exhibition gallery view

Summer Update

Summer Update with lots of good times Times were quiet for such a long time with each day governed by a walk or a cycle within the confines of 5k  –  all to feel somewhat normal in this pandemic.  Then as normality peeped through slowly, along came the opportunity to exhibit my work at the

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