Universal Call


Step into the mesmerizing world of “Universal Call,” an awe-inspiring oil painting that beckons you to embark on a journey of discovery. This vibrant statement piece offers a fresh and unique perspective on the hidden layers that comprise our Earth’s very core.

The canvas comes alive with an explosion of bold and captivating colours, blended with intricate brushstrokes, allowing you to witness the planet’s diverse geological makeup in all its glory. Let the play of light captivate your senses, leading you to immerse yourself in the interplay of shadows and luminance. As the light dances across the canvas, it unravels the Earth’s secrets, inviting you to ponder the mysteries of the universe and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

With “Universal Call,” I aspire to evoke an emotional response that transcends mere admiration. The painting’s beauty and complexity are a testament to the power of art to communicate profound ideas and stir deep emotions within us all. It serves as a reminder that we, too, are part of this vast and interconnected tapestry of life, bound together by the very fabric of the universe.

Universal Call serves as a captivating conversation starter, transcending the boundaries of time and space. As you delve into its layers of colour and contemplate the transience of life, you’ll find yourself embracing a renewed sense of wonder and appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us.

Allow it to become part of your alluring collection.

This painting has received an honourable mention award

Art  Show International Gallery – Feb/March 2023 – Universal Call Abstract oil painting



What are the measurements of this abstract painting?

The measurements of the painting is 30  x 40 inches.

Is this an original painting?

Yes, this painting is an original oil painting on canvas, created by me, Donna McGee and it contains my signature on the front.

Is the painting ready to hang?

Yes, the painting is presented in a double mounted contemporary white wooden frame.  It has a chord on the back making it ready to hang.

All you need is the picture hook on the wall for placement.


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