sheep grazing on the Wicklow Hills, Ireland

Making it all affordable art miniatures

Tired of listening to all this talk of recession and budget restraints:

Here is what I have been doing:

Irish Art Miniatures Wicklow hills
Miniature Landscape Series 1
Irish Art Miniatures Wicklow hills
Miniature Landscape Series 2
Irish Art Miniatures Wicklow hills
Miniature Landscape Series 3
Irish Art Miniatures Wicklow hills
Miniature Landscape Series 4
 purple seascape
Miniature Landscape Series 5
Irish Art Miniatures Wicklow hills
Miniature Landscape Series 6







The above are a selection of some of the  miniature paintings  I have been working on, all  inspired  from regular walks through  the Dublin and Wicklow mountain ranges, which are in easy reach of where I live.

They are all oil paintings  on canvas and range in price from €75 – €100 which I think makes buying original art affordable!

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