Making art business plans ! January Blue or not so Blue
A veil of silence permeates through the house – no sounds of I-phones, I-pads, headphones or telephones, radio nor TV ; just me and the occasional creak and gurgle echoes throughout the house as the shrill winds outside knock on every window and bang on every door, looking for entry.
Christmas has passed along with the ringing in of 2012. Parties attended, old friends reunited, waistlines expanded, all now absorbed in one big fading but happy memory.
And so it is Monday morning! My family are housed where they are destined to be – work, college or school. And then, there’s me here in my studio, filled with these passing thoughts; one hundred paintings in my head and several hundred reference photos begging to be explored.
How exciting and daunting all at the same time! Here goes!
Happy New Year everyone!