Atlantic Call Leave a Comment / Irish Art, Seascape Paintings / By donna Let your mind drift as you stroll the water’s edge Feel the wind on your face and taste the salt in the air listen to the sound and the rhythm of the waves breathe Experience the Atlantic Call on the Wild Atlantic Way in the comfort of your own home Discover the wild atlantic way with 2,500 klms of coastline in Ireland. This painting was inspired by many trips to the west coast of Ireland and in particular to Dog’s Bay near Clifden Co. Galway.See more of my Seascapes here Atlantic Call measure 150 x 120 cms and is a large statement piece to adorn your room. Commissions available on request. Keep Me Posted Thank you for subscribing. Something went wrong. I agree to have my personal information transfered to MailChimp ( more information ) Sign up now to discover my latest art creation or news about an upcoming event. I might even delight you with some inspiring or fun musings. We respect your privacy! We will not share your information with any third-party organizations and you can unsubscribe at any time. FacebookTweetPinLinkedIn