The subject of this portrait is the face of Ezra Pound (1885 – 1972) a complicated man with a formidable reputation and known for his virulent anti-semitic outbursts.
This angular and introspective looking face, lined with the contours of a life of controversy was mesmerizing to me and prompted this charcoal sketch. [credit: Irish Times]
He made a great contribution to literature and is considered the poet most responsible for defining and promoting a modernist aesthetic in poetry. He advanced the work of such major contemporaries as W. B. Yeats, Robert Frost, William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, H. D., James Joyce, Ernest Hemingway T. S. Eliot.
His best-known works include Ripostes (1912), Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (1920) and his unfinished 120-section epic, The Cantos (1917–69).