The journey continues in Chitwan – Day 2 Nepal
We walk to the Rapti river and watch the elephants bathe. I certainly had fun watching the elephants use their trunks to spray water on their riders and being tossed from the elephants back and hurled into the river, splashing in utter delight.
Terra firma for me!
We buy bananas and feed them to the elephants. What joy, what big old wise animals!
The afternoon brings us to an elephant safari. A driver and three of us climb into a cage on the elephant’s back and off he goes!
Strange how the other animals react to us when we are on the elephants back – instead of darting off into the undergrowth, we can now observe the animals grazing from high. It’s as if they don’t see us and the elephant is their best friend.
One of our group dropped his hat and the elephant picked up the hat with his trunk and returned it – wow!
Lots of animals were seen including Mammy Rhino and her baby – this time no threat whatsoever as she seemed totally comfortable in the company of the elephants and continued on about her way.
A walk back to the hotel through a charming rural village, we observed families working together in the fields, children playing and laughing, normal basic living and very much in tune with nature.