Collision - Earthquake in Haiti, platelets, world disasters, red abstract art, Port au Prince

Collision – Earthquake in Haiti

Collision – Abstract Oil painting


Collision Abstract Oil painting 20 x 30" on canvas
Collision Abstract Oil painting 20 x 30″ on canvas


On 12th January, 2010, twenty miles west of Port-au-Prince, the Haitian  capital was devastated by an earthquake that ripped through the earths surface and claimed the lives of over 200,000 people.

I found myself submerged in thoughts trying to make sense of this chaos – was it God’s doing or was it pure science at play:  platelets and fault lines sliding in opposite directions?

My hands worked tirelessly  and in unison with my scattered thoughts around the canvas, imagining the secret world that lies beneath the earths surface, trying to  understand the angry restlessness that could create such devastation.

Thus,   Collision  was born!

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