Landscape Gallery | Irish Landscape Paintings by Donna McGee

Explore the Landscape Gallery where Ireland, renowned for its lush greenery and rugged coastlines, has inspired and influenced Irish landscape artists for centuries. The dramatic cliffs, serene lakes, patchwork of  rolling hills and deep valleys offer a diverse palette for capturing the essence of the Irish countryside. 

Ireland’s Ancient East, steeped in rich cultural heritage  wrapped up in 5,000 years of history from Celtic times to today offers a profound influence for artists. This region, with its mystical landscapes, ancient ruins, and storied past, provides a canvas that tells tales of times long gone. Our artwork captures the enchanting beauty of this region, from the hauntingly beautiful Glendalough monastic site to the Dublin Grand Canal with a golden glow on an autumn day.  Each piece reflects the elemental forces that have shaped this land, inviting you to experience its magic. Perfect for home decor, our pieces not only adorn your walls but also bring a touch of Ireland’s timeless charm into your home. 

About this Gallery

This Landscape gallery features carefully curated paintings showcased in interior settings to aid you in visualising their scale and impact in your home or office space.

To explore the complete range of available landscape paintings, simply click on the link below labelled ‘Shop Landscapes’. There, you will find comprehensive details, including pricing, measurements, inspiration, and the backstory behind each artwork.

Enjoy your browsing experience, and may you find the perfect landscape painting to adorn your home or office!

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