Rolling in from the West - Oil on Canvas 24 x 12 inches

Come Visit People’s Art Exhibition Dublin

 Come Visit The People’s Art  Exhibition

24th – 26th June 2016

Once again, the People’s Art exhibition  Dublin takes place around the centre of Dublin at St. Stephens Green this coming weekend.  More than 100 artists will display their work all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

If you’re in Dublin, why not come along and see  some great work all of which is available for purchase.  I will be located on the East side of the Green and I hope to see you there.


Following on from the   The People’s Art  Exhibition in May, I thought you might like to take a look at some of the  art exhibits that were on display. Yours truly features after about 3 minutes into the presentation!

This video was kindly put together by  sepia artist Pervanneh Matthews


So now it’s back to work for me, busy preparing for this coming exhibition

See you there!

Please spread the word and share!


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