Poppy Corner in the Making

Poppy Corner in the Making

Dublin Canvas was set up earlier this year with a project idea to help brighten up the city of Dublin.  An idea intended to bring flashes of colour and creativity to everyday objects in the City.

“Less grey, more play”


Poppy Corner in the Making


 Poppy Corner

According to Dave Murtagh, Project Co-Ordinator of Dublin Canvas, the project takes previously unused public space and transforms it into canvases to help brighten up the City. Making Dublin a more beautiful place to live, work and visit. The project began as a pilot Beta Project commissioned by  Dublin City Council in 2013.

I was allocated a box which was located on the corner of Fitzwilliam Street and Merrion Square South.

And so, having agreed a broad outline of my inspiration and aspirations with Dublin Canvas,  I set to work on “Poppy Corner”

The process of putting gloss paint on metal was “challenging” but perseverance won out and I eventually settled for a satisfying base layer.

Then, I moved on to painting poppies.  I hadn’t any strict plan in place because I wanted to let them grow around the box freely, if you get where I’m coming from!

I painted away and people stopped for a chat and it was all very pleasant. Even the weather was quite agreeable today for a change!

Well, those poppies took on a life of their own.  Much as I tried to curtail them, they just kept on growing! They became sticky and tacky, I became tired and weary  …. time was now needed  to allow the sticky, tacky paint to dry.  Enough!

Another day, I will return to Poppy Corner …. paint in the stamen …. paint in some foliage and then we’re good to go.

Here’s hoping anyway!

What’s next?

Dublin Canvas intends to roll this out to 80 boxes in total (almost 20 completed to date)  which hopefully will be completed by November and before the bitter winter takes its toll.

The Dublin Canvas project continues to grow and there are many very cool looking boxes around the city. Check them out on Dublin Canvas

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