
Shades of Diversity Preview

Shades of Diversity Preview

Thought I’d take a final visit to the library today  ‘just to be sure, to be sure’  that everything was just fine for the opening of my exhibition

Shades of Diversity

that takes place  tomorrow.

There is always a few last minute touches to be done – straighten that one  ….  move the other one  ….    I  even discovered that I had cut my labels  crooked – must be getting tired (or blind). This is a time when you are both excited and nervous because you just want everything to go well.  You check and then you re-check and then you realise, oh, I missed something!  But overall, I think I can do no more and everything looks good – of course it helps that it is such a magnificent gallery space!

Here is a quick preview of setting the scene…

So pretty much ready to go and really looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow evening.

Wish me luck! 🙂

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