Instrument art, oil painting on a violin, oil painting of the creation of adam, musical youth foundation, soul picnic

The Artistic Journey of the Violin – Day Four

Instrumental Art  Exhibition Opening in Dublin


Instrumental Art Sample Graphic

  • May 25th – June 24th.  2012
  • Exhibition Space, Top Floor, Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre
  • Opening Times Mon-Sat 11am-7pm.Thurs 11am-9pm. Sun 11am-6pm
    Free Admission

Instrument art, oil painting on a violin, oil painting of the creation of adam, musical youth foundation, soul picnic

Heaven’s Above by Donna McGee – Instrumental Art Dublin

Don’t miss the opportunity to visit this exhibition, the world’s first Instrumental Art Exhibition featuring over 100 unique pieces.  It is truly amazing to witness the diversity  in creativity across this talented group of artists :  (from violins converted to medicine cabinets and a “well heeled guitar” literally  perched on high heels!)

Opening Night at Instrumental Art Exhibition, Donna McGee, Rod Coyne, artists
Opening Night at Instrumental Art Exhibition
Instrumental Art Dublin - Saoirse Meehan and Donna McGee
Instrumental Art Dublin – Saoirse Meehan and Donna McGee
Derek Lyons - Instrument Art Dublin
Derek Lyons – Instrument Art Dublin
Paul Flynn - Instrument Art Dublin
Paul Flynn – Instrument Art Dublin
Instrumenl Art Dublin, Soul Picnic, Musical Youth Foundation
Instrumenl Art Dublin
Staple Art - Instrumental Art Dublin, Soul Picnic, Musical Youth Foundation
Staple Art – Instrumental Art Dublin

This event has been organised by Soul Picnic in association with Dublin City Council and Failte Ireland.  On 26th – 27th  May, the 6th annual   ‘Dublin City Soul Festival  will take place live from the beautiful surroundings of Merrion Square Park.

The event  will raise much needed funds for  ‘Musical Youth Foundation’ (MYF) which provides children with access to a musical education.

You can make a donation directly to The Musical Youth Foundation  and at the Soul Picnic festival, or go along to the exhibition and purchase a truly unique musical instrument.

In addition, Merrion Square Art will continue, as always,  around the railings on the Square.  So feast your eyes and ears on great music and an excellent, broad  range of original paintings.

p.s. Sunshine has also been arranged.

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