The Morning After – People’s Art – May 2014

Thank you for visiting the Open Air Art Exhibition in St. Stephen’s Green  last weekend.  Here is a reminder, a short video of the

The Morning After

– People’s Art Exhibition  May in Dublin

kindly put together by artist, Pervaneh Matthews.

It is now the morning after and despite torrential rain never before seen in the lovely month of May, we managed to keep our spirits up along with the umbrellas, tarpaulins, plastic sheeting, pegs to hold everything down and anything and everything that gave shelter from the unrelenting Irish monsoon.

I could whinge and nobody would say a thing but then, this is Ireland, it is said:

there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing!

(my poor paintings wouldn’t agree)

‘Think I’ll start lining up Statues of Prague for the next exhibition on 20th -22nd June!

What d’ya think??



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2 thoughts on “The Morning After – People’s Art – May 2014”

  1. Pingback: Irish Artist News : The Morning After – People’s Art – May 2014 | Irish Artrist Info

  2. Pingback: Iris Artist News Donna McGee The Morning After – People’s Art – May 2014 | Irish Artrist Info

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