The Heart of the Ocean Necklace from The Titanic Oil based Mixed Media Painting ©

Titanic – Heart of the Ocean

Titanic Heart of the Ocean

Depicted in the fictionalised epic romance film, The Titanic of 1997,  the necklace,  so-called “the heart of the ocean” drifts to the sea floor.

This symbolises the  1,517  lives lost on the sinking of the ocean liner,  RMS Titanic  in 1912, amidst all their valued possessions as their journey comes to an end.

Irish Art- Heart of the Ocean Necklace from The Titanic Oil based Mixed Media Painting
Heart of the Ocean – 27 x 20″ Mixed Media

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7 thoughts on “Titanic – Heart of the Ocean”

  1. Pingback: Mexican designer Daniel Espinosa to recreate “legendary Heart of the Ocean” Titanic! | Razz Jango

  2. knightofmathematics

    It is a lovely painting. It would be lovely if the actual surroundings of the wreck were as pretty as you portray them to be; sadly they are not…

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks Lesley, glad you like it. I love those colours too especially when contrasted against the colours of the sea floor. Well done by the way on your collection of work – what an achievement!

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