Graduation Day Every day is a school day DSA Graduation Web Elevate 2.0 Donna McGee

Every day is a school day! Graduation Day

Digital Media Production UX / UI - Level 8
The Digital Skills Academy / Dublin Institute of Technology


Graduation Day Friday 20th June 2014    –    What a great day!

Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT)   Digital Media Award Ceremony.

 Celebrated post grad award in Digital Media Production UX / UI  at  The Digital Skills Academy .

Having specialised in  Advanced Web Graphics & Animation, I breathe a sigh of relief to have eventually arrived at this great occasion in the knowledge  that every day is a school day as I arrive at Graduation Day.  

Returning to college was tough going – I had always tried to stay on top of technology as it  held a fascination for me. My former career in banking demanded a certain level of know-how,  I loved to observe and learn how technology could gather so much complex information, mind-boggling fomulas used to measure financial risk.  It would then spew  this information in such a clear and logical manner like as if it was simple to undersatnd.   Now I was about to embrace this world again but with a different slant – my course in Digital Media Production.

My natural love of learning continued, I had the need to present my artwork to the world and so I needed a website.  I had played around with many of the free versions out there  and outgrew them.  I eventually settled with building my own website on the Wordpress platform .  I kept up with all the latest developments and maintained a social media presence across the various channels.  However, no matter how much I had self learned, leaving my normal life behind, children now sufficiently independent, it was a mammoth task to get myself orgainised and return to college.   I would  be tested on all levels of my being.  Time to get my act together.

I will never forget the first day I arrived.  It seemed that there were learned people everywhere, hurried conversations, space at a premium, everyone so busy working on their Apple computers (more to learn)

For many months I travelled into the Digital Skills Academy or sometimes known as the Digital Hub.  This was located around the Guinness brewery.  There were lots of new people to meet from all kinds of backgrounds, all kinds of places with stories to tell.  We formed little groups for different projects and collaborations and sometimes go for a well earned drink after class.

The way the course worked was that each individual chose an area to speciThe areas I studied included –

  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • After Effects
  • Flash

Other interesting areas included:

  • Digital Industry & Career Development
  • Entrepreneurship Creativity & Innovation
  • Graphics & Content Management Systems – CSS, HTML5, Wordpress
  • Digital Marketing
  • Industry Placement
  • Web Communications


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Now was my time to shine – returning to college for the second time in the knowledge that every day is indeed a school day and today is my day – its Graduation Day!  I have done the work!
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