I wish I was a gannet (well…. maybe for just for a little while! )
From our boat trip along the shores of Carrigaholt and around Loop Head, we were mesmerized by the gannets as they dive-bombed into the sea from up to 40 metres and hit the water with a streamlined elegance that Tom Daley and his Olympic buddies could only attempt to emulate.
Gannets are the most amazing seafaring birds to watch. They are the largest of Ireland’s sea birds and with a wingspan of just under 2m. They have snow-white plumage, are tipped with black on the wings and are crowned with a buttery almond glow.
As the boat swayed to and fro, I gazed up into the morning light and thought about my best efforts at a pencil dive, then as I watched another rapid dive, I thought …… no more cooking….. no more cleaning up…… sushi for every meal – how wonderful and simple life could be! I wish I was a gannet!
Shortly thereafter, we arrived back to shore!
What would you like to be?
Dear Donna,
what a beautiful post, thanks for sharing and visiting our Bookfayrie Blog http://toffeefee.wordpress.com
Well, you would not have much space on a gannet rock. I suppose I would not like to live on Bass Rock as a gannet.
Have a happy weekend
the Fab Four of Cley
Gannet sounds absolutely fine to me! 🙂 What a gorgeous bird.